

Diseno e Interventoria Interseccion Sur Pasto-Popayan

Paulo Emilio Bravo Consultores S.A.S. (PEB Consultores S.A.S.)

Founded in January 1974 in the city of Popayán. It main office was relocated to Cali in 2010 and it currently has offices in Bogotá and Popayán, as well as temporary offices in other regions of Colombia where it rigorously and responsibly carries out its projects, thereby providing solutions aimed at strengthening the country’s economic infrastructure.

The firm has been continuously in operation in a sustainable manner, and to date it has successfully carried out over 100 projects, including studies, designs and contract supervision of public works and concessions.

In its path towards consolidation, the firm has stood out for participating in contract supervision for construction, rehabilitation, expansion, upgrading and preservation of road projects, and it has also carried out numerous studies and designs of highways and urban roads during the pre-feasibility, feasibility and Phase III stages, which you may read by following the link to the section on Our Experience (see link).

As a result of years of effort and dedication, the firm’s Quality Management System has been certified since 2002 (NTC-ISO-9001 standard), and its Occupational Safety and Health Management System has been certified since 2017 (NTC-OHSAS 18001 standard). The firm is currently in the process of certifying its Environmental Management System (NTC-ISO 14001 standard), and of incorporating it into the organization’s Comprehensive Management System.


Because of its impeccable quality management, the organization has received widespread recognition and has become an international benchmark. In 1997, the Chamber of Commerce of Cauca granted it the “distinguished member” award, in recognition for its contribution to the region. On its 40th anniversary, the Colombian Infrastructure Chamber granted it the “Corporate Track Record National Award” during the association’s 11th Congress in Cartagena.

As a valuable heritage Paulo Emilio Bravo Consultores S.A.S. has the copyright to the book "Road Design, Technique and Project Analysis", original text of the engineer Paulo Emilio Bravo, one of its founders, who died in 1998. The Colombian Society of Engineers awarded this book the "Diodoro Sánchez" award as the best technical work published in the country in 1970, currently in the process of being updated (see link).


Paulo Emilio Bravo Consultores S.A.S, aware of the importance of corporate and social responsibility for the development of the country and its society, actively makes financial contributions to the education of engineers through Fundación Acciones con Responsabilidad Social (ACRES) of the Colombian Infrastructure Chamber. This foundation provides technical and educational assistance mainly to low-income youth who experience financial difficulties to study, but who have demonstrated good academic performance, in order to prevent their desertion.




“To provide engineering solutions that assure safety and trust in the development and operation of infrastructure projects for the benefit of society.”



“To become a benchmark for consulting engineering in Latin America, widely recognized for its technical criteria and value creation in project performance.”










Quality Policy:

Paulo Emilio Bravo Consultores S.A.S provides engineering solutions that extol the application of technical criteria and value creation, through effective and efficient processes, aligned with management’s commitment to fulfill the applicable commitments to stakeholders and to continuously improve the organization.

Safety and Health Policy:

Paulo Emilio Bravo Consultores S.A.S allocates THE human, technical and financial resources required to establish and maintain at all work sites promotion, prevention and control measures aimed at protecting the safety and health of employees and the physical integrity of Clients, Suppliers or Visitors.

Environmental Policy:

Paulo Emilio Bravo Consultores S.A.S., aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, is committed, in all its processes, to the care and protection of the environment, and therefore implements programs to prevent, mitigate or offset the impacts produced during provision of its services.


With 50 years of experience in the consulting market, particularly in the transportation sector.

Main office

Phone: +57 (2) 4010352

Address: CALLE 22N # 6AN-24 OFICINA 608
Edificio Santa Mónica Central
Santiago de Cali – Valle del Cauca


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